Tuesday, December 17, 2013

DEAD SNAKES: Jack Phillips Lowe- Three Poems

I've got a couple of new poems posted over on DEAD SNAKES: Jack Phillips Lowe- Three Poems. Please check out this cool literary website, hosted by super editor Stephen Jarrell Williams.

Unabridged J.S. Watts "Cold Case Cowboys" Review

The Clockwise Cat, a fine literary website out of Atlanta, recently posted the unabridged J.S. Watts review of Cold Case Cowboys. Thanks to everyone at The Clockwise Cat and, of course, to the wonderful Ms. Watts.

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Sabotage Reviews "Cold Case Cowboys"

UK poet and critic Richie McCaffery contributes a detailed & thoughtful review of Cold Case Cowboys over at Sabotage Reviews. Much thanks to Mr. McCaffery & Sabotage Reviews editor Claire Trévien.

Monday, November 4, 2013

J.S. Watts Reviews "Cold Case Cowboys"

The talented British writer/critic J.S. Watts reviews my chapbook, Cold Case Cowboys, on  Goodreads. Thank you very much, Ms. Watts.

Monday, October 21, 2013

Bewildering, Misfits & Cold Case Cowboys

Editor Alan Catlin reviews Cold Case Cowboys in the latest issue of Misfit Magazine:

Elsewhere, an excerpt from Cold Case Cowboys appears in the newest edition of Bewildering Stories: http://www.bewilderingstories.com/issue546/cowboys_ex.html

Sincere thanks to editors Alan Catlin & Don Webb.

Thursday, August 22, 2013

New Jack Phillips Lowe Chapbook Available Now!

To any & all who may be interested:

I have a new poetry chapbook now available. Published by Middle Island Press, Cold Case Cowboys is a 43-page collection of narrative poems on the challenges and rewards of this life & the afterlife, sandwiched between full-color covers. Here, knee-slappers abound, coupled with the confoundedest cast of rascals you'll ever see in one place: Jim Morrison, John Lennon, the Bearded Lady Bandit, Gram Parsons' mystery girl, Lee Van Cleef & Bigfoot---and that's just a start.

Want to join the fun? $7.00 and a trip to Middle Island Press will get you there. Thank you for your interest in my work.

And very special thanks to genius editor Christina Anne Taylor of Middle Island Press for making it all happen.

Monday, July 29, 2013

Multiple Ironies

I have a new poem, "Multiple Ironies," posted on the super-groovy-cool website, Misfit Magazine. It's my respectful tribute to the late, great Ms. Chris Chubbuck (pictured below). Special thanks to editor Alan Catlin, Jennifer Lagier and Gene McCormick. It's one terrific website; please visit and take a look.
Multiple Ironies

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

New Poem in Clark Street Review #87

I'm as proud as hell to say that my poem, "Cold Case Cowboys," appears alongside the work of a very talented bunch of poets in Clark Street Review #87. Much thanks to CSR editor Ray Foreman for making this dream a reality. Please check out the super-cool work of  Ray Foreman & Clark Street Review!