Monday, August 13, 2018

First Review of Flashbulb Danger

The first review of my book, Flashbulb Danger, has been posted on Goodreads by an Australian blogger, James "The Caustic Critic." Take a look-see:

A generous, career-wide collection, Lowe's 'Flashbulb Danger' is as close as a poetry collection will come to a congenial, articulate, funny drunk friend in a bar regaling you with tall stories and unfortunate personal anecdotes.

Divided into three sections, by chronology, it moves from early earnestness to bittersweet later-life reflections, but retains throughout a consistent, unaffected voice. 
(Nice minimalist cover by Hannah Proffitt-Allee, too, which Goodreads does not yet have in its database.)

Link to James' Goodreads post